
Gate.io Startup Initial Offering-DAO SHO Project- Bitlocus ( BTL)


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Gate.io has launched Startup, a platform
that aims to provide users with access to innovative and advanced projects. Traders
now have more opportunities to make an initial investment.

Gate.io Startup will launch another DAO SHO
project-Bitlocus ( BTL) Sale on Dec 1, 2021 at 10:00 AM UTC.

Startup Link: https://www.gate.io/en/startup/

Project Introduction

Bitlocus “Fiat-DeFi Investments
Management Platform” is a complete investing ecosystem that allows end
users to invest their fiat assets into DeFi space easily without actually directly
interacting with crypto.

The platform will be built on existing
centralized exchange (Bitlocus CEX, established in 2018), which is fully AML
and KYC-compliant and has a few fiat deposit/withdrawal options. Bitlocus is in
partnership with Payrico, a crypto-friendly banking service (EMI, Electronic
Money Institution; licenced in Lithuania, EU) as well as Ginger Fund
(crypto-oriented hedge fund and liquidity provider).

End users are provided with Tier 1
investment options from trusted DeFi projects that will be categorized based on
their risk level. There will also be a guarantee fund option for DeFi investments
made via Bitlocus platform.

Token Information


Total Supply: 500,000,000 BTL

Initial circulation: 47,775,000 BTL

Blockchain Network: Terra

Bitlocus has minted 500.000.000 BTL tokens
on Terra Blockchain as CW20 tokens and also bridged them cross-chain to make it
available as ERC20 and BEP20 tokens as well.

Token Contract (BSC):

Token Distribution:

Private Sales: 30%

Public Sales: 3%

Marketing: 15%

Liquidity 30%

Team: 10%

Advisors: 3%

Development: 3%

Reserve: 5%

Legal: 1%

Price & Lockup for Sale Rounds

Private Sale Price: $0.018

Vesting: 14% on TGE , 3-month’s cliff and then unlock
linearly over 21months

Public sales Price:$0.02

Vesting: 20% on TGE, 20% quarterly

Website: https://btl.bitlocus.com/

Important Notice about Gate.io Startup Sale
for Bitlocus (BTL)

1.Startup supply: 2,500,000 BTL;Price:$0.02

Vesting: 20% at TGE, then 20% quarterly

2.Payment currency: USDG, Lockup currency:

3.Eligible participants: agree to lock up
DAO for a period of 10 days. Individual cap is 20K DAO.

4.Token distribution: participants get a
proportional amount of BTL tokens to their share of DAO tokens locked up on

5.The BTL tokens will not be released until the Token Generation Event. Users
won’t get any token immediately after the Gate.io startup sale.

6.The startup sale is designed for Bitlocus’
DAO Maker SHO portion.

7.The cryptocurrency market is highly
volatile. The project team does not guarantee that the token price will not be
lower than SHO price. Please invest with caution, and don’t invest beyond your
financial capacity.

Rules of Bitlocus (BTL)’s DAO SHO Portion Sale
on Gate.io’s Startup

(1) Order Duration: December 1st, 10:00:00
AM-December 2nd, 2:00 AM UTC

(2) To participate in Startup Sale, users
should agree to lock up DAO for a period of 10 days.

(3) The price is $0.02

(4) Users can place orders by agreeing to
locking up DAO for 10 days

(5) Users can place orders from December
1sth, 10:00:00 AM – December 2nd, 2:00 AM UTC. Orders placed by qualified users
within these hours will be treated equally.

(6) Users need to ensure that there is
sufficient balance of DAO (the full amount you agree to lockup for 10 days) and
USDG (amount to pay for new tokens actually received) in accounts after placing
the orders. An insufficient DAO or USDG balance will result in the cancellation
of the purchase order.

(7) Each individual can only purchase once
with an account passing KYC.

(8) After December 2nd, 2:00 AM UTC, we
will collect all the qualified orders and calculate the result and announce the
result in 2 hours. USDG to pay for participant’s BTL token purchase will be
deducted from the participant’s account and the amount of DAO the participant
agrees to lockup when placing orders will be locked for 10 days. Participants
will receive a proportional amount of BTL tokens to their share of DAO tokens
locked up on Gate.io according to the token release schedule.

Example(with hypothetical data and
conditions ):

If the total DAO locked by all startup sale
participants is 20,000 DAO. The total supply of new tokens offered on Gate.io
startup sale is 1,000,000 new tokens. Token price is 0. 1 USDG per token.
Participants are required to lock DAO for a period of 15 days.

If User A agreed to lock 500 DAO (by
placing order) for a period of 15 days. Then,

User A’s share of the new tokens (also his
share of DAO locked): 500/20,000=2.5%

Users A will receive new tokens: 2.5%X
1,000,000=25,000 new tokens.

User A’s USDG payment: the actual new token
user A will receive X token price: 25,000X0. 1=2500 USDG

After the sale, user A’s 500 DAO will be
locked for 15 days.

And USDG for purchase of the new tokens
will be deducted from User A’s spot account balance.


(1)Countries not supported: Afghanistan,
Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burundi, Burma, Canada, China
(Taiwan), Democratic Republic of Congo, Cuba, Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea,
Iran, Iraq, Japan, Liberia, Lebanon, Libya, Macedonia, Malaysia, New Zealand,
Serbia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago,
Tunisia, Uganda, Ukraine, United States of America, Venezuela, Yemen, Zimbabwe.

For users from other countries, please
check and make sure your participation in the token sale on Startup complies with
local laws and regulations.

(2) Risk Warning:

– The start-up project is still in its
initial stage, factors including the operation and underlying technology of the
project, and other related regulatory activities might contribute to
significant risks.

– Advanced technical and financial
knowledge is required to understand, and uate the inherent risks of
crypto-asset investment.

– The market volatility is high, and the
price of a token might fluctuate drastically due to technical, regulatory, and
marketing factors.

– Users may not be able to withdraw all the
purchased tokens due to technical issues of the project or Gate.io.

(3) Requirements for participants

– The participant should register on
Gate.io and Log in;

– After logging in, complete user identity

– Deposit a certain amount of cryptocurrencies
in your gate.io account;

– Sign the Purchase Agreement on Startup
before placing orders.



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2、老牌交易所比特儿现改名叫芝麻开门 :https://www.gate.ac/signup/XgRDAQ8?ref_type=103  注册成功之后务必在网页端完成 手机号码绑定,大陆号码输入+086即可 ,实名认证。推荐在APP端实名认证初级+高级更方便上传。网页端也可以实名认证。

全球最大交易所币安,国区邀请链接:https://accounts.binance.com/zh-CN/register?ref=16003031  币安注册不了IP地址用香港,居住地选香港,认证照旧,邮箱推荐如gmail、outlook。支持币种多,交易安全!

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国区邀请链接:https://accounts.suitechsui.us/zh-CN/register?ref=16003031 支持86手机号码,网页直接注册。

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