
Gate.io Is All Set To Go Live With K9S Season I Limited Mystery Box


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At 09:00(UTC) 29th November 2021, the 1st stage of the K9S limited mystery box will go live on Gate.io platform. There will be a total of 500 mystery boxes to be listed every day and sold at a unit price of 14.99 USDT. These mystery boxes are very limited and hence, they will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis.

Purchase Address: https://www.gate.io/nft/mystery_box/142569
Event time: November 29th, 2021 09:00 to December 3rd, 2021 15:00(UTC)

What is K9S Mystery Box Season I ?
The K9S are a collection of 5,000 Kanid Warriors [humanoid wolves] brought together to find Cerberus and defeat The Swarm, a cosmic entity that took over Argos, the K9S home planet. Our K9S are randomly generated combining up to 7 different traits from over 120 available, therefore each K9 is unique. Only 5000 NFT Mystery Boxes are available for a limited time. Get yourself a K9 and join our battle!

More Details:https://www.k9snft.com/

Mystery Box details display:


The number of Mystery Box and its rarity
This series of NFT mystery boxes is composed of multiple degrees of rarity of works.

The degree of rarity is in the order of: SP>SSR>SR>R>N.


Mystery box Sale:
5,000 mystery boxes will be sold in two stages. The first stage has a unified price of 14.99 USDT!

The sale will start from November 29th to December 3rd listing 500 listed daily up to 2,500.

The daily mystery box will be listed at 9:00 AM(UTC).

Please refer to the follow-up announcement for details for sale times and quantity of the second phase.

1. Once the NFTs works are sold, the ownership belongs to user and will not be returned;

2. Gate.io retains the final right to interpret this event.

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Gate.io Team
Nov 29, 2021



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2、老牌交易所比特儿现改名叫芝麻开门 :https://www.gate.ac/signup/XgRDAQ8?ref_type=103  注册成功之后务必在网页端完成 手机号码绑定,大陆号码输入+086即可 ,实名认证。推荐在APP端实名认证初级+高级更方便上传。网页端也可以实名认证。

全球最大交易所币安,国区邀请链接:https://accounts.binance.com/zh-CN/register?ref=16003031  币安注册不了IP地址用香港,居住地选香港,认证照旧,邮箱推荐如gmail、outlook。支持币种多,交易安全!

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