
Gate.io 48th BTC SharkFin Product was Sold Out in 45 Seconds, Price Ranging From $48,200 to $53,800


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Gate.io “Weekly BTC Sharkfin Product #48” started at 10:00 am UTC on Dec 25th and was sold out in 45 seconds. The settlement time is this Saturday, with a maximum return up to 16% APR.

How does the Shark Fin BTC Weekly product bring you a return?
If at any time during the lifetime of the shark fin product, BTC price is equal to or below $48,200 or is equal to or above $53,800, the investor will get a minimum return (3%) on their principal at maturity.
If during the entire lifetime of the shark fin product, BTC price always stays within the per-specified range [$48,200-$53,800], investors will get a return up to 16% APR. (The closer the BTC settlement price is to $53,800, the higher the return rate).

Read more at: https://www.gate.io/article/24459

What’s BTC Sharkfin Product?
Gate.io Shark Fin is a capital-protected investment product. If the underlying asset price is within the per-specified price range (Minimum and Maximum price), the investor will get a higher annual yield. Otherwise, the investors will get a minimum return (about 3% APR).

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December 27th



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