
Gate.io Special Offer for All Users! Celebrate the New Year With our Chat Room & Gate.io Posts


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2、老牌交易所比特儿现改名叫芝麻开门 :https://www.gate.ac/signup/XgRDAQ8?ref_type=103  注册成功之后务必在网页端完成 手机号码绑定,大陆号码输入+086即可 ,实名认证。推荐在APP端实名认证初级+高级更方便上传。网页端也可以实名认证。

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The year 2022 is nearly upon us. Gate.io wishes all of you a Happy New Year! To celebrate the New Year, Gate.io will hold a “Gate.io Celebrates the New Year” activity at our Chat Room & Posts platform. Users who share specific content while adding the hashtags in the post space on Gate.io will have the opportunity to win a surprise reward exclusive to the New Year activity. Moreover, plenty of red packets will be released in the Chat Room from December 31st, 2021 to January 3rd, 2022 to celebrate the year 2022 with everyone!

We welcome you to invite all your friends and relatives to register on Gate.io, and share the joy of participating in the activities!

Activity 1: Share Red Packets in the Chat Room to Celebrate 2022
Activity Period: December 31, 2021 — January 3, 2022 (Lasts 4 Days)
Activity rules: Welcome to win mega red packets giveaways in the Chat Room during the activity. Four waves of red packets will be released in the Chat Room daily and it will last four days. The amount of each red packet is randomly set. They are only for early birds! Stay tuned!


Activity 2: Post Specific Content to Win New Year Gifts
Activity Period:
December 31, 2021, 10:00 A.M. UTC — January 4, 2022, 10:00 A.M. UTC (Lasts 4 Days)

#Gateio New Year#

Activity Rules:
During the activity, users can post any content adding the hashtags #Gateio New Year# in the post space on Gate.io. After the activity, the Gate.io system will work out the rankings according to the score of VIP Likes. The top 20 users with no less than 10 scores can get a reward of $10 in tokens. The Gate.io system will randomly draw 10 users from all the participants to receive $10 points in rewards.
*Reminder: sharing specific content while adding the hashtags in the post space on Gate.io with relevant pictures will help you to obtain more Likes.


Activity Rewards:


Scoring Rules:
The VIP level of the person giving a like determines the [VIP Popularity] of a post. VIP0 adds 0.1 points, VIP1 1 point, VIP2 2 points, and so on. (Users can upgrade their VIP level by increasing their trading volume and GT position.) Example: John Smith posted two items of news during the event, which got three separate likes from a VIP0, a VIP5, and a VIP10 user. So the value of John’s [VIP Popularity] in terms of likes during the event was 0.1 + 5 + 10 = 15.1.

Additional notes:
(1)The shared content must not contain profanity, slander, insults, plagiarism, advertising, pornography, violence, or other undesirable content. (If this happens, users will not be included in the event).
(2)There is no limit to the number of daily posts per user. Rankings will be calculated based on the total number of VIP Likes of all posts.
(3)Only one entry per person will be permitted (KYC must be completed). The Sub-Accounts and Master Account will be treated as the same account in the competition.
(4)Rewards will be released to the winners’ accounts within 14 working days after the activities end, which can be viewed at “My Finance – “Billings”.
(5)[VIP popularity] scores and rankings will be calculated based on Gate.io’s background data.

Posts entry:
Web page / client: log in to the web page – tabs section, select the “News” page, and click “Posts”


Mobile App: Log in to the latest version of App – select “crypto space” below to enter the “Posts” page.


Chat room entrance:
Web-based Platform: Click on any trading area of Gate.io’s website for fiat trading/margin trading/perpetual trading, and click on the “Chatroom” button at the bottom left corner to enter the chat room.


Mobile App: Click on the News button at the bottom right corner and click on “Chatroom” to enter.

Gate.io has all rights reserved.


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Reach out to us!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gate_io
Telegram: https://t.me/gate_io
Podcast: https://gateio.buzzsprout.com/?ch=buzzs

Gate.io Team
January 3



国区邀请链接: https://www.utjjxjwfnj.com/zh-hans/join/1837888   币种多,交易量大!

国际邀请链接:https://www.okx.com/join/1837888 注册简单,交易不需要实名,新用户能开合约,币种多,交易量大!

2、老牌交易所比特儿现改名叫芝麻开门 :https://www.gate.ac/signup/XgRDAQ8?ref_type=103  注册成功之后务必在网页端完成 手机号码绑定,大陆号码输入+086即可 ,实名认证。推荐在APP端实名认证初级+高级更方便上传。网页端也可以实名认证。

全球最大交易所币安,国区邀请链接:https://accounts.binance.com/zh-CN/register?ref=16003031  币安注册不了IP地址用香港,居住地选香港,认证照旧,邮箱推荐如gmail、outlook。支持币种多,交易安全!

买好币上KuCoinhttps://www.kucoin.com/r/af/1f7w3  CoinMarketCap前五的交易所,注册友好操简单快捷!



国区邀请链接:https://accounts.suitechsui.us/zh-CN/register?ref=16003031 支持86手机号码,网页直接注册。

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