
Gate.io Introduce Dual Currency Product In One Sentence Win $20 With Ease


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国际邀请链接:https://www.okx.com/join/1837888 注册简单,交易不需要实名,新用户能开合约,币种多,交易量大!

2、老牌交易所比特儿现改名叫芝麻开门 :https://www.gate.ac/signup/XgRDAQ8?ref_type=103  注册成功之后务必在网页端完成 手机号码绑定,大陆号码输入+086即可 ,实名认证。推荐在APP端实名认证初级+高级更方便上传。网页端也可以实名认证。

全球最大交易所币安,国区邀请链接:https://accounts.binance.com/zh-CN/register?ref=16003031  币安注册不了IP地址用香港,居住地选香港,认证照旧,邮箱推荐如gmail、outlook。支持币种多,交易安全!

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To help more people know about the unique advantage of Dual Currency Products – “Earn regardless of price action”, Gate.io has launched a special interaction activity named “A tweet to introduce Dual Currency Products to others”.

Duration: 11:00 AM 05/01/2022 – 11:00 AM 11/01/2022 (UTC)


1. From January 5th, 2022 onwards, we will be releasing cards concerning quizzes about Dual Currency Products on daily basis on all our social media channels such as Gate.io Twitter, Telegram Group, and announcements related to Dual Currency Product.

2. All you need to do is retweet and comment on the relevant tweets containing the cards concerning quiz about Dual Currency Products. If you find them on other official channels as mentioned above, you need to save their screenshots & tweet with @gate_io and the cards, and you will get a chance to win 5-20 USDT in rewards.

a. Words that best describe Dual Currency Product: 5 USDT (8 winners)
b. Top 10 users according to the number of likes: 10 USDT (10 winners)
c. Top 5 users based on their comprehensive engagements: 15 USDT (5 winners)

(The Top 5 comprehensive engagements are only valid if they contain genuine likes, comments, and retweets. If there is malicious and false behavior like hiring Internet ghostwriters, he or she will be disqualified for rewards; and the top 10 users who comment or retweet will be eligible to win according to the number of likes they receive.)

-Follow, like & @ 2 friends
Share your answer with one sentence
-Add the Hashtags #Dualinvestment #Gateio

Tips: The following reference materials can help you know more about Dual Currency Products.

Guide to Dual Currency Products
Gate.io Quick-fire Questions on Dual Currency Product
Gate.io Cryptopedia: What is A Dual Currency Product

Gate.io | Your Gateway to the Blockchain Universe

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Reach out to us!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gate_io
Telegram: https://t.me/gate_io
Podcast: https://gateio.buzzsprout.com/?ch=buzzs

Gate.io Team
January 5



国区邀请链接: https://www.utjjxjwfnj.com/zh-hans/join/1837888   币种多,交易量大!

国际邀请链接:https://www.okx.com/join/1837888 注册简单,交易不需要实名,新用户能开合约,币种多,交易量大!

2、老牌交易所比特儿现改名叫芝麻开门 :https://www.gate.ac/signup/XgRDAQ8?ref_type=103  注册成功之后务必在网页端完成 手机号码绑定,大陆号码输入+086即可 ,实名认证。推荐在APP端实名认证初级+高级更方便上传。网页端也可以实名认证。

全球最大交易所币安,国区邀请链接:https://accounts.binance.com/zh-CN/register?ref=16003031  币安注册不了IP地址用香港,居住地选香港,认证照旧,邮箱推荐如gmail、outlook。支持币种多,交易安全!

买好币上KuCoinhttps://www.kucoin.com/r/af/1f7w3  CoinMarketCap前五的交易所,注册友好操简单快捷!



国区邀请链接:https://accounts.suitechsui.us/zh-CN/register?ref=16003031 支持86手机号码,网页直接注册。

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