SRBMiner-MULTI --algorithm panthera --pool --wallet YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS --password YOUR_WORKER_NAME
Lunify (LFI)
隐私 • 安全 • 去中心化Lunify ~ 受隐私保护,为自由
而建 我们的使命是创建一个去中心化的金融生态系统,在确保完全交易匿名的同时赋予个人权力。
凭借无法追踪的支付、不可链接的交易和区块链分析阻力,Lunify 在日益数字化的世界中保护您的财务自由。
SRBMiner-MULTI 是一种加密货币矿工,可以同时挖掘多达 4 种不同的算法/硬币!
它支持使用您的 CPU 和 GPU(AMD、NVIDIA、INTEL)设备进行挖矿。
SRBMiner-MULTI AMD & NVIDIA & INTEL & CPU cryptocurrency miner ----------------------------------------- Cryptocurrency miner Mine up to 4 different algorithms/coins at the same time! Download : Support : [SUPPORTED ALGORITHMS] C : CPU A : AMD GPU N : NVIDIA GPU I : INTEL GPU [0.85%] [ C A - - ] argon2d_16000 [0.85%] [ C A - - ] argon2d_dynamic [0.85%] [ C A - - ] argon2id_chukwa [0.85%] [ C A - - ] argon2id_chukwa2 [1.00%] [ - A N I ] astrixhash [2.00%] [ C A N I ] aurum [1.00%] [ - A N I ] autolykos2 [1.00%] [ - A N I ] blake3_decred [1.00%] [ - A N I ] blocx_autolykos2 [0.85%] [ C - - - ] cpupower [1.00%] [ - A N I ] cryptixhash [0.85%] [ C A - - ] cryptonight_ccx [0.85%] [ C A N I ] cryptonight_gpu [0.85%] [ C A - - ] cryptonight_turtle [0.85%] [ C A - - ] cryptonight_upx [0.85%] [ C A N - ] cryptonight_xhv [0.85%] [ C A - - ] curvehash [0.65%] [ - A N I ] etchash [0.65%] [ - A N I ] ethash [0.85%] [ - A N I ] ethashb3 [0.85%] [ - A N I ] evrprogpow [0.85%] [ - A N I ] firopow [0.85%] [ - A N I ] fishhash [2.00%] [ C - - - ] flex [1.00%] [ - A N I ] fphash [0.85%] [ C - - - ] ghostrider [0.85%] [ - A N I ] heavyhash [2.00%] [ - A N I ] hoohash [2.00%] [ - A N I ] hoohashv1 [1.00%] [ - A N I ] karlsenhashv2 [0.85%] [ - A N I ] kawpow [0.85%] [ C A N - ] lyra2v2_webchain [0.85%] [ - A N I ] meowpow [0.85%] [ C - - - ] mike [0.85%] [ C - - - ] minotaurx [1.00%] [ - A N I ] nxlhash [0.85%] [ C - - - ] panthera [0.85%] [ - A N I ] phihash [0.85%] [ - A N I ] progpow_epic [0.85%] [ - A N I ] progpow_quai [0.85%] [ - A N I ] progpow_sero [0.85%] [ - A N I ] progpow_telestai [0.85%] [ - A N I ] progpow_veil [0.85%] [ - A N I ] progpow_zano [0.85%] [ C - - - ] randomarq [0.85%] [ C - - - ] randomepic [0.85%] [ C - - - ] randomscash [0.85%] [ C - - - ] randomsfx [0.85%] [ C - - - ] randomtuske [0.85%] [ C - - - ] randomx [0.85%] [ C - - - ] randomxeq [0.85%] [ C - - - ] randomyada [0.85%] [ - A N I ] sha256dt [1.00%] [ - A N I ] verthash [0.85%] [ C A N - ] verushash [1.00%] [ - A N I ] walahash [1.00%] [ - A N I ] xehash [1.50%] [ C - - - ] xelishashv2 [1.50%] [ C - - - ] xelishashv2_pepew [0.85%] [ C A - - ] yescrypt [0.85%] [ C A - - ] yescryptr16 [0.85%] [ C A - - ] yescryptr32 [0.85%] [ C A - - ] yescryptr8 [0.85%] [ C - - - ] yespower [0.85%] [ C - - - ] yespower2b [0.85%] [ C - - - ] yespowerdogemone [0.85%] [ C - - - ] yespoweric [0.85%] [ C - - - ] yespowerltncg [0.85%] [ C - - - ] yespowermgpc [0.85%] [ C - - - ] yespowerr16 [0.85%] [ C - - - ] yespowersugar [0.85%] [ C - - - ] yespowertide [0.00%] [ C - - - ] yespowerurx =========================================== DUAL MINEABLE ALGORITHMS: =========================================== fishhash + cryptixhash fishhash + walahash fishhash + blake3_decred fishhash + hoohash autolykos2/blocx + cryptixhash autolykos2/blocx + walahash autolykos2/blocx + hoohash autolykos2/blocx + blake3_decred autolykos2/blocx + heavyhash autolykos2/blocx + sha256dt etchash + blake3_decred etchash + heavyhash etchash + sha256dt ethash + blake3_decred ethash + heavyhash ethash + sha256dt ethashb3 + blake3_decred ethashb3 + sha256dt karlsenhashv2 + hoohash karlsenhashv2 + blake3_decred ... also ... randomepic + any algo progpow_epic + any algo =========================================== SUPPORTED GPU'S =========================================== AMD =========================================== + RX 9070 + RX 7900/7800/7700/7600/7500 + RX 6500/6600/6650/6700/6750/6800/6900/6950 + RX 5300/5400/5500/5600/5700 + VEGA 56/64/FE/VII + RX 470/480/570/580/590 + BC-250 =========================================== NVIDIA =========================================== + Blackwell + Hopper + Ada Lovelace + Ampere + Turing + Pascal + [for older try using parameter --disable-ptx-check] ================================================================== INTEL ================================================================== + Alchemist + Battlemage